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We know that searching for a job is a rollercoaster ride. We bring together over 2M unique, live jobs and job applicants just in one simple search.

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Over 70% of job searches are mobile. Post your jobs online to attract talent from mobile and desktop devices. Create an account and enter your job description. Review applications, manage candidates and schedule interviews from your account.

Top Careers

Essential Group started in 2014 and has become the largest online marketplace in Nigeria with over 200,000.

Search Expert Candidates

With our job seeker tools we help you organize and automate your search, We provide professionals at your door step who fit in for your job specifications.

Easy To Manage Jobs

Essential Group started in 2014 and has become the largest online marketplace in Nigeria with over 200,000.

Online Reviews

Create an account and enter your job description. Review applications, manage candidates and schedule interviews from your Essential Jobs account.

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