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Performance and Specifications

Retail Manager...

Salary: 50000 - 70000
State: Kano

Job Type: Full Time

Date Posted: 2020-03-04 15:40:36

The key purpose of this role is to maximize sales and profit through the continuous improvement of the store and staff

Performance and Specifications

Medical sales rep...

Salary: 50000 - 70000
State: Enugu

Job Type: Full Time

Date Posted: 2020-03-04 15:44:38

Medical sales representative

Performance and Specifications

Mathematics Teacher...

Salary: 50,000 - 70,000
Victoria Island
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-05 19:19:20

Must be competent and professional in teaching the subject

Performance and Specifications


Salary: 100,000 - 200,000
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 16:13:31

experience in technical production and planning and budgeting knowledge of business process and functions (finance, HR, procurement & operation) reporting to the managing director

Performance and Specifications


Salary: 100,000 - 200,000
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 16:19:22

good knowledge of maintenance and repair/troubleshooting of plastic production machines will be an added advantage ability to work under supervision

Performance and Specifications


Salary: 100,000 - 200,000
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 17:06:02

Must have proven track record for sales and marketing of FMCG Ready to work under pressure and highly coordinated to improve sales and achieve target

Performance and Specifications

Maintenance manager...

Salary: 200,000 - 300,000
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 17:31:24

must be result oriented with interpersonal skills to achieve aims and objectives must be able to work without supervision and under pressure

Performance and Specifications

Sales and marketing manag...

Salary: 70,000 - 100,000
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 18:32:21

Ability to build strong customer relationship outstanding leadership, communication and analytical skills must be persuasive, dogged and a goal-getter must have ability to network and generated good leads

Performance and Specifications

Customer Experience Offic...

Salary: 100,000 - 200,000
State: Lagos

Job Type:

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 18:43:22

Ability to Build, foster and maintain positive professional relationships Devotional to high-quality customer experience written and verbal communication skills with experience interpersonal skills attention to details accuracy

Performance and Specifications

Sales intern ...

Salary: 250,000 for the period upon meeting the target
State: Lagos

Job Type: Internship

Date Posted: 2020-03-07 18:47:42

we hire a minimum of young, dynamic and vibrant people for a 1-month interneship. Top 10 performers would be considered for a full time job

    1Next(Total Jobs: 335)

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